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Cold or flu?

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By Colette Dumais, n.d.

The fall season has begun, bringing with it its negative sides: colds and flu. Colds often start with a sore throat, runny and itchy nose. A general feeling of discomfort sets in with a cough and headache. Flu symptoms, on the other hand, usually occur in late fall and winter. They are more severe and develop more quickly. In addition to the inflammation of the respiratory tract, there is a moderate and sometimes high fever, muscle pain and fatigue. If the cold and flu are viral or bacterial in origin, it is indisputable that the quality of one's immune system is another determining factor.
N.B. At any time when symptoms worsen, consult a doctor.

Some foods increase your discomfort

Some foods increase your discomfort and it would be best to abstain from them during this period:

  • Mucus-forming foods such as bananas, oats and dairy products.
  • Hard-to-digest foods: high saturated fat, junk food, meats and nuts.
  • Sweet foods: white sugar, corn syrup, dried fruit, fruit juice. They decrease the functions of the immune system.
  • Foods containing additives, artificial colors and flavors

Foods that help during a cold or flu

It is important during this vulnerable period to choose foods that reduce the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. It is therefore important to focus on foods that are easily digested, such as fruits, vegetables and vegetable juices.

Prefer green leafy vegetables, squash and carrots. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and beta-carotene;
Increase the consumption of garlic and onions. They have bactericidal and antiviral properties;
Prepare good juices: - carrots and celery
- carrots, apple and a little onion;
Consume chicken soup for its anti-inflammatory properties;
Drink plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses a day) to :
- prevent dehydration
- liquefy mucus secretions
- facilitate evacuation

Rest well to give the body the energy it needs to heal the cold or flu.

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